How long have you been in business and what inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
It's been 5 years since going solo and I have no desire to look back. My leap was two fold...I was already helping friends on the idea of buying a home vs. renting, what neighborhoods to look into, referring an agent/lender. Plus, I was in a slow advancing career no matter how hard I challenged myself. I was (and am) hungry to work and perform, but certain corporate structure doesn't encourage and motivate this enough. I knew there had to be a more enjoyable career that allows me to use my extraverted personality and network for more potential.
What has been your biggest business challenge?
Running the actual business. From the expenses, to the accounting, you are solely responsible for doing things the right way and then figuring out the best way. Each business is different and each owner can choose how they want to run their business - this is where my type A personality really gets to shine.

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
It sounds a bit cheesy, but I can't think of another career that I get to share in the excitement and happiness when your friends purchase or sell a home through you. You get to work alongside each other in such a few concentrated weeks, completely transparently, and your wins are a team win. Seeing your friends so happy in their home, that you helped secure, is such a great feeling.
How do quality photos help you with business branding and marketing? How often do you recommend photos get updated?
It conveys that you're a serious business owner. Not only stylizing professional photos to represent your brand/company, but to have high quality photos reflects your commitment to your own self. You take the time and money to invest in what you believe in. For the frequency of headshots, I think it all depends on where you're using these shots. If you're a dynamic person and/or with a dynamic business, your photos should reflect that. You change up your hairstyle and look often, you should update your photos. I like to vision the mind of a potential client...if they look up my name, what will be their first impression? Is it hard to find me? Does my profile look unfinished? Do I Iook professional? You only get one first impression and it's 2020...not many of those first impressions are going to be in person, so solid photos carry more weight.

Why did you pick Bonnie and her team as your photographer, and why would you recommend her to other business owners?
Consistency. This goes from the response time, to the organization, to scheduling, and finally to phenomenal photos. Every step is consistent, pleasant and she makes it so easy in a chaotic world of a business owner. Bonnie is flexible to cater to your schedule, give her thoughts/recommendations, but ultimately motivate YOU to talk and chat about what YOU want to convey with your photos. She makes you feel comfortable when taking posed photos that can feel like the most unnatural thing in the world. Not one t isn't crossed, or one "i" left dotless - it is such a relief to have clear and consistent communication, a fun experience, followed up with images that truly capture your goal.